Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to Be a Life Long True Friend

In any friendship honesty is the best policy! That will never change. There are ways to be an honest friend and say how you feel but you need to understand that not every person feels the same and that is ok. That is the wonderful thing about people everyone can have a different opinion and still be friends. If you are honest you can always agree to disagree. But if you lie to a friend you may find it hard to gain their trust back.

In order to be a good friend you have to know who you are. You have to know your morals and stick to them. This will lead you to likeminded friends.

You have to stay in touch. We all know family and work among many other things can keep us very busy. But is the true friend that will make the effort to call just to check in to say hi!

You have to just be there. Plain and simple! For the bad times and the good everyone wants to have someone in their corner.

You have to learn to say "I am sorry" These three little words do not come easily to most. But a true friend will be brave enough to admit when they are wrong. We are all human and will make lots of mistakes; it is how you own up to them that say what kind of person you are.

You have to forgive. This can be the hardest thing to do! But understand that like you, your friend is human and is going to make mistakes too! A true fried will say i am sorry and forgive when those words are spoken to them.

Things You'll Need: Honesty + Strong will

My hope is that everyone who reads this will become a life long true friend!

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